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Valencia Howard - Family Photo S...

Valencia Howard Photography

What you get:
* Outdoor photo session up to 2 hours for 6 people or less
* Location: a park/your backyard within 5 miles from school

All products are sold separately
* Digital pictures start at $99 each when you buy 10 or more, $125 each when you buy
less than 10. Headshot digital pictures $199 each.
* Extra charge: photo permit, parking and travel fee

What you get:
* Outdoor photo session up to 2 hours for 6 people or less
* Location: a park/your backyard within 5 miles from school

All products are sold separately
* Digital pictures start at $99 each when you buy 10 or more, $125 each when you buy
less than 10. Headshot digital pictures $199 each.
* Extra charge: photo permit, parking and travel fee

What you get:
* Outdoor photo session up to 2 hours for 6 people or less
* Location: a park/your backyard within 5 miles from school

All products are sold separately
* Digital pictures start at $99 each when you buy 10 or more, $125 each when you buy
less than 10. Headshot digital pictures $199 each.
* Extra charge: photo permit, parking and travel fee